When Wes and I got engaged, we immediately started looking for land to build a house TOGETHER in the school district where we want to raise our kids. We spent nearly an entire year surfing the web, looking at properties and houses when we stumbled upon the house you see here. It was a foreclosure (i.e., the only way we could afford it) and it needs some work to make it OURS, but we both fell in love with it (especially me!). Not only does it have plenty of rooms/bathrooms for guests and kids, it has a ginormous shop for Wes to play with all his "big kid" toys. We closed on it the week before the wedding, which only added to our stress, but we're glad we got it when we did. It's on 5 acres and will be PERFECT for raising kids and letting the dog run. We've got some work to do, which keeps us busy, but we hope to be living in it sooner than later. I'll try to post pictures as we renovate the interior and make it OUR house.
Here are some pictures during our inspection.