Wes' cousin, Jon, got married in Tennessee on September 12 so Wes, Megan and I drove my truck to Tennessee for a long weekend to take part in the festivities. Wes and his dad, Dave, were both groomsmen in the wedding. Unfortunately, I didn't do a great job of taking pictures at the rehearsal or wedding, so this is the ONLY wedding photo I have; courtesy of the wedding photographer (Doesn't Wes look so handsome?!?! I think so!). Perhaps Dave's wife, Di, has some she can share with me :-).
In addition to the wedding, we drove to Tennessee so that we could haul a 16' trailer home loaded with work benches, paint and miscellaneous garage supplies. These were all items graciously given to us by Wes' brother and sister-in-law, Vince & Haley. They recently moved from TN to WI and didn't have room for everything, so we inherited it. Here are a few pictures from the drive to/from TN. The picture of Megan is how she spent nearly the entire drive to/from.
It was a short trip, but we got to spend quality time with family and friends. We owe a special thanks to Susan for opening her house to us and allowing us to spend the weekend there. Staying there felt like home and was far better than any hotel we could have found.